Birth & Baby University is a community for expecting families, families with newborns, doulas and all perinatal professionals.
We are committed to ensuring you feel prepared, knowledgeable and confident as you navigate pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We offer resources, insight, conversations and amazing classes for expecting families, families with newborns and perinatal professionals. Our classes are evidence-based, connection driven, and filled with practical and usable information. We are masters at making learning accessible and exciting!
Knowing your options is critical! We understand that navigating the journey through parenthood is often overwhelming and filled with mixed advice. It’s hard to navigate what is both accurate and will work best for you and your family. We understand that knowing your options and possibilities will help you make empowering choices.
Birth & Baby University offers support within and beyond this space. Our classes are incredible and offered virtually. This is all you need to navigate your journey through pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. We are your one-stop-shop to having a positive birth and postpartum experience!
For the amazing perinatal professionals and doulas that we have the pleasure of training, we offer cutting-edge and comprehensive virtual trainings, mentorship, and community.
Thank you for being an important part of our Birth & Baby University Community!